Let Them Shine! Amplify Employee Presence on LinkedIn

Let your employees channel their inner Rihanna and shine bright like a diamond!

Source: Creator: Kevin Mazur | Credit: Getty Images for Savage X Fenty | Copyright: 2019 Kevin Mazur

If you work for a company that doesn’t value LinkedIn, you might want to encourage them to get on board or get left behind. According to LinkedIn, on average, employees have a network that is 10 times larger than a company’s follower base.

This is a win-win situation for all parties involved. The company gains visibility and access to a larger pool of qualified candidates, and the employee strengthens their personal brand and increases their thought leadership.

Let me show you how this works. One of my former clients (and now one of my LinkedIn besties) Brittani Johnson came to me when she was ready to pursue a promotion within her company and increase her visibility both online and in person. We got to work and updated her personal. Soon after, she started creating and sharing LinkedIn posts about her favorite work projects and networking events.

Brittani invested in new photos as her visibility increased on LinkedIn. She uses the images for her bio when she’s a speaker on a panel and on LinkedIn.

Source: RTW Photography

In the two years since we worked together, Brittani’s LinkedIn connections have more than doubled and grown more than 200%. She’s been promoted, her employer recognized her LinkedIn presence, she was featured on the cover of the company’s internal magazine, and the CMO is very familiar with her LinkedIn content. Her LinkedIn content about local projects reached people outside her region and introduced local businesses to a new crop of people. She’s also spoken on a couple of panels! When Brittani speaks on panels, attends conferences, or participates in networking events, she’s spreading brand awareness about her employer. Brittani is experiencing these amazing results because did the work, and now both she and her employer benefit in the long run.

One of Brittani’s LinkedIn posts about her speaking on a panel.

But despite the clear evidence that it’s worth investing in an employee’s LinkedIn presence, companies still push back and say, “But we don’t want our employees to leave after they strategically use LinkedIn.” But, employees leaving companies is the way of the world in our quickly evolving job market.

Would you rather keep your employees hidden and miss out on increased visibility, stronger thought leadership, and lower attrition? Or do you want to maximize and leverage while your employee is still there? Even if the employee leaves after 2 - 3 years, the benefits to both the company and the individual during that time are well worth the investment.

It’s timmmeee to let employees shine bright like a diamond!! Schedule a call if you’re ready to transform your employees into your biggest brand advocates and let’s chat!

Portia Obeng