Use This LinkedIn Post Template to Help You Land Your Next Role

Source: Joyce Busola

Your network is one of the best tools in your job search toolbox. In fact, according to this data sample, at least 30% of jobs come from a former co-worker or someone in the company who knows you. There’s a high probability that the majority of your LinkedIn connections are in one if not both pools. It’s time to put yourself out there! There are companies looking for people with your skillset, so make it easy for them to find you. There’s no shame in putting yourself out there, in fact, it’s very courageous!

Use this post template if you're actively looking for a job and want to let your LinkedIn connections know. I created this because sometimes when I read people’s open-to-work posts, I don’t clearly see how I can help and support them. This style of post is easier to read and incorporates keywords for your industry, so hopefully, this template is helpful!

It’s like Madlibs for LinkedIn. Copy the post and fill in the blanks with your information and make sure you include the hashtags at the bottom of the post!  

Hey/Hello/Hi [fill in the greeting of your choice]

I’m currently looking for a new role in the [fill in the industry]. I’m a [fill in your most recent job title/role], and I have advanced skills in [skill 1], [skill 2], and [skill 3]. I’m open to these roles [fill in job title/role 1], [fill in job title/role 2], and [fill in job title/role 3].

I’d really appreciate it if you could:

***Fill in the ACTIONS people can take to help you. Chose 3 - 4 of the following actions, and delete the “Action Example” text before the “:” when you post.

➡️ [Action Example 1: Repost this post and share it with your network.]

➡️ [Action Example 2: Let me know if there are any in-person networking events in [fill in your city.]]

➡️ [Action Example 3: If my skillset aligns, refer me to a role in your company.]

➡️ [Action Example 4: If you have 30 free minutes, run a practice interview with me.]

➡️ [Action Example 5: If we’ve ever worked together, write a LinkedIn recommendation for me.]

➡️ [Action Example 6: Mention my name if someone you know is looking for contract or temporary support.]

➡️ [Action Example 7: Let me know about any good Slack, Facebook, or LinkedIn groups, or listservs where people share job roles]

For more context about my skills, most recently, I completed/planned/implemented [fill in the action of your choice]:

🚀 [fill in a RESULT that you delivered; for example, increased sales, reduced waste, onboarded a team, created a system, ran a report] or [fill in a course, license, or certification you recently received].

🚀 [fill in another RESULT that you delivered; for example, increased sales, reduced waste, onboarded a team, created a system, ran a report] or [fill in a course, license, or certification you recently received].

Thank you in advance for your help! And if there’s something I can do to support you in your job search, please let me know!

#jobseeker #jobseeking #[fill in your specific job title/role] #[fill in your specific industry]

That’s it! Time to go forth and post!

When you copy the hashtags, you've reached the end of the post. You can use whichever emojis you'd like in the post, and if you want to increase the post's reach, include a photo of yourself with the post.

Many blessings to you in your job search!

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